michael plewak
michael plewak

time is comming

user image 2008-05-11
By: maverick
Posted in: hmmmm

<p>check out gary burris...please..a great player at his best</p>

06/14/08 12:26:40AM @test4454:
Dig this progressive guitar tune Mav! Cool jamming and great tone - enjoyed!
Cheers, Bob

06/14/08 12:16:29AM @test4454:
Hey Mav - good to hear from you ; )) Been over at SoundClick mostly... when I have time for the Internet. Finished my "Best of" album last month... Take care - Bob
gary burris
05/12/08 11:45:55PM @gary-burris:
Mike touch of floyd was ahoot to do with ya man I allways loved this mix and you were in you element on this lead outstanding job my brother cudos to you


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