Michael Yablonski
MikeYab and GeorgeShep at it again, first collab in nearly 23 years!
Check out FunkY MikeY Fandango at:
Funky Mikey Music
Please stop by George's page and check out Look Ahead at:
Look Ahead
This is the last recorded song that we played on together back in Jan 1985. George and I were college roommates back in the early 80s, had many a fine Jams with George, Pat, Mike along with John on vocals. Cheers!
A special thanks to my howlin' brother,Michael Yablonski........aka ,,Mad Dog Yosemite ,for his outstanding work mixing,mastering and performing in this fun ,fun tune.....Thanks bro !!
"Howlin' at the Moon".............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *****
Mad Dog Yosemite (MikeY) playing NS1 synth guitar, PRS electric guitar and some sound FX
Larry T..........
Great music. I can see Funky Mickey making his way down the busy streets of some busy city, dodging traffic and being cool at all times!
I really enjoyed the listen.
Thanks, Mike!!!!
Great that we can still do recording this way.
Wow..... 23 years ago.... Our last recorded project on that cold snowing pair of weekends in January of 1985. That was fun. Totally fun. I still have the rejection letter from Arista.
Checked it out,good stuff !!!