Mike Kohlgraf
What's up?
Not sure what's going on, but I tried to upload a new song and was informed that I exceeded my quota. I kept deleting songs until only one is now left... I still can't upload! WHat's eqaully bad, I can't even log into the forum... it defaults me to my home page here on Mix.
Well, if this is a system glitch, I hope it gets fixed and I'll re-up just the songs I think are best. Otherwise, I'll just remain frustrated. I put a lot of work into getting the radio going on what is now Mixposure. If this "downgrade" is the thanks, well thank you too.
Mike this should be fixed. Give it a try and let me know. You may want to logout and back in also if you were auto-logged in.
Thanks again, old friend
No worries Mike. Just remember that I have nothing to gain by being mean to anyone lol.
Thanks, Todd... and I also apologize it was very late and been under a lot of stress.
Thanks for your help!
Hey Mike - What blows my mind is why is it that whenever there is a problem everyone thinks it is personal? Just to set the record straight, I do not sit in a room looking for ways to make people unhappy on Mix!! Quite the opposite in fact.
Looking at your page and seeing a Premium Banner, one would think that if you could not upload a song, a simple message to me on here or by email would have sufficed. Obviously there is a code issue.
As for the forum, there is a message on the main page that explains a few things. Please login to mix, change your password to the same as it is now. Log out and back in to Mix. Click the forum link and you should be logged in. If not let me know.
I will see about getting the upload fixed.