Mike Lynn
Mike Lynn

The Rose Within

album: non
genre: Pop
streams: 70
creation date: 2011-11-10

  Song Lyrics
A lovely rose with petals soft, a scent so sweet and lightSo beautiful a flower with colors shining bright.Something not so savory about the fragrant...
  Song Information
This is a brand new song I just completed lately. Have adopted new chord progression outside what I normally use.  Hope you like it.Credits :Music / Vocals /...
The Rose Within
11/12/11 05:45:23PM @heather-and-ronnie-gibson:
Good track! This song feels right and is put together very well. The vocals are unique and the horn part really threw me for a loop. This is a "classic rock" genre song but I can see why it's in the "pop" genre. The melody is different and seems a little hard to match up with the chord structure but you do a fine job in making it work. Did not get to see your influences but I hear a lot of different acts involved in the making of your style. Love the lyrics. Great job and keep the faith!
Farrell Jackson
11/10/11 10:27:09AM @farrell-jackson:
Hi Mike! I like the new chord structure you're using. Nice melody here!


11/12/11 07:12:32PM @saladin-de-tolosa:
This song about roses is particularly interesting.The first thing is your (usual) incredible talent for melodies. But this one is very touching because of the voice , that seems so fragile. And last but not least, some notes , almost false but not quite, give a strange movement around the chords.
Definitely : I LOVE it !


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