Mike West
Mike West

Stories (Short Song 1)

genre: Acoustic
streams: 110
creation date: 2008-05-27

  Song Lyrics
I had it in my head. The make believe stories we read. I heard about teh way the stories all came out. Who decided which one's right? Which ones should be...
Stories (Short Song 1)
02/05/09 01:03:04PM @mark-reed:
Short but very sweet. Nice melody with a good delivery. Liked the guitar accompaniment. good work
05/30/08 04:10:08AM @mike-lynn:
Welcome back Mike with a cool little tune. I could see music-wise this is much enriched than your previous work. I shall wait to hear more from you especially the full length version of this song.
05/29/08 03:16:54AM @ab2:
It`s refreshing to hear young talent...Love your easy listening style...Shame the song was so short...BUT I think we get the drift...and oh, what a drift...:-)

peace n love Mags xx :-)

05/28/08 10:18:42AM @bbriff:
I think this song is a diamond in the rough. It has a great vibe and the vox and lyrics are real good. Definetly a keeper!
05/28/08 06:34:42AM @dazed:
Hey Mike :)

acoustic sound is coming along nicely. song ended kind of quick but I like what I heard :)


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