Minnesota Sex Junkies
Minnesota Sex Junkies

Fly On The Wall

album: MSJ
genre: Alternative
streams: 61
creation date: 2008-10-20

  Song Lyrics
FLY ON THE WALL There’s a fly on the wall He knows everything he see’s it all Swat hard taking the fall. So low he learns to crawl There’s a thought...
Fly On The Wall
10/21/08 11:26:17AM @vesa:
Like the sound. Fun-ky percussion. Cool efx. kinda spacey for a bunch of guys from Minnesota lol...just a stones throw from Thunder Bay, Canada here. Oops I forgot you're farther away.
This has a great groove; Catchy tune...fine singing-good expressive vocals. Like the synth work; unique sounds make for a cool texture. All instruments in the right placement. Fine guitar work. EXCELLENT production.
-Your new fan. -Vesa.


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