MisterH And The Old School
MisterH And The Old School

Lest Us Not Forget Who We Really Are

user image 2008-06-11
By: The Doctor
Posted in: Realization

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<td>Us, "The Real Flashes in The Pan"</td>
<p><span style="font-size: small; color: #000080; background-color: #ffffff;">Howdy all, Doc of MisterH &amp; The Old School here.<img src="http://x.myspace.com/images/blog/smileys/devious.gif" alt="" /></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small; color: #000080; background-color: #ffffff;">One of many letters&nbsp;I received stated how much a person liked one of our songs. It was nice.&nbsp;You see, it's all about the music. Let's not forget, myself included, we are Indie Musicians that are not signed and everyone on this site, IMusicSchene, SountClick,etc. are nothing more than "Flashes In the Pan", EVERYONE OF US, regardless of our history or we would be swimming in money if it was anything else.&nbsp;We do it because we love to do it and not because everybody loves our songs. Sorry, but that's the way it is and there's no argument agaist it. This will become a blog entry so that we don't take ourselves too seriously.<img src="http://x.myspace.com/images/blog/smileys/thirsty.gif" alt="" /></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small; color: #000080; background-color: #ffffff;">Volker "Doc" Heigelmann</span></p>

06/13/08 02:02:13AM @ab2:
Hi Doc, I`ve been following this blog and really like this extract of what you said...

"We do it because we love to do it and not because everybody loves our songs."

Those are my sentiments entirely, I`ve NEVER performed on stage, don`t think I could..Don`t have the confidence...I sing my songs because I love to sing them. It gives me a lot of pleasure taking time out to get lost for a while in music...I post them up because what else would I do with them?...To me, it`s a little like gardening..I`ve made several gardens in the past, I loved it when people admired them, but if they did`nt, it did`nt really matter because they were my gardens, my creations...They did`nt really have to like thwm, but if they did I was delighted...
Just me two cents worth....:-)

Peace n love mags xx :-)

The Doctor
06/12/08 10:32:25AM @misterh-and-the-old-school:
I want to thak you all for setting me straight. WILDHONEYPIE, thanks for being a friend and fan.

06/12/08 02:19:10AM @ab1:
sorry doc but there ARE arguments against it.. many great artists who have endured were not appreciated monetarily in their own time.. as if money were any critieria for judging the quality of art.. i'll just use mozart (widely regarded today by many people as the greatest natural genius music has ever known) and vincent van gogh.. a flash in the pan today maybe a giant tomorrow.. peace..


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