Mixposure Interviews
Mixposure Interviews

Member Interviews are BACK!!

user image 2007-02-04
By: Mix Interviews
Posted in:

I'm sure everyone agrees that the member interviews are an exciting part of Guitaristworks.com. Saturated did an outstanding job of conducting the first series of interviews and I was always looking forward to the next one. We went for a very long time without any, but now they're back. I'll be doing them for the next few months and I'll try to do at least one each month until I get burnt or until I get fired. I'm taking a little bit different approach by not only getting to know the person, but by concentrating more on the details of the music. These interviews are an excellent tool for everyone to get to know each other in a way that's simply not possible by just reading posts. Keep an eye on your inbox because you could very possibly be next!! ;)



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