
New Chat Window

9 years ago
128 posts
With the new layout (12/28/16) you will see a little Chat Icon toward the lower right. There will be a Default Room called MixChat where everyone who is logged in can see and automatically join. Everyone can start a private chat but you must be followers!! This is just a safety feature.

Post if you have questions!
8 years ago
3 posts
When I go to the radio show and try and come in with my name kitmann I can not see who is in the chat room and it won't let me post what I type. I finally got a new computer and I want to join in on the live music shows again. Please help me. My user name was kitmann and my password was ****. I know it is spelled wrong I did that on purpose. I just a new Mac mini computer. Can anyone help me please
8 years ago
128 posts
I will look at it tonight Kittman.
updated by @admin: 03/13/17 12:27:00PM


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