Mixposure's Expsore Interviews w/ Doug Dickens.
Doug Dickens Jazzing it Up w/ Monica Chapman
Monica Chapman
Monica Chapman from Toronto began studying piano at age 9, later she attained her degree in Piano Performance and Voice ant the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto, as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in Engish Literature from York University Monica found her calling in her rich vocals and jazz, delighting listener's from all over the world.
Join Monica & Doug Sunday, March 23rd and listen in as Doug will be asking Monica about the numerous projects she has in the fires, and what Monica is looking forward to in the near future.
- See more at: http://www.mixposure.com/barefoot-music/blog/5705/doug-dickens-jazzing-it-up-w-monica-chapman#sthash.FlgwkhvY.dpuf