CSP - SNR Center Stage Presentation 09-13-2008
<p><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: Verdana; color: #0080ff;"> OKAY!!! The guesses were pouring in furiously in our Mix Radio DJ's Corner Forum and a couple of them were in the running for the winner. Who actually did it with his FIRST guess in his FIRST post??? Well, <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/rwk/">ReaperSG</a> did!!! Heinz, from <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/blue_sahara/">Blue Sahara</a>, actually had a few picks that were good! One of them will be featured at the end of this month!!! So, way to go, guys! Enough guessing: our next Mix Radio Center Stage Presentation is: <br /><br /><a href="http://www.mixposure.com/Rob_Grant/">Rob Gant</a> <br /><br />Rob has been into music for a LONG time, so he has some stories to tell for sure! Rob has overcome some health problems not too long ago, which he says (and I losely quote the man): "All of your support has helped me pull through this". Indeed, the support for Rob in many artist communities was overwhelming! Rob, glad you're here to joy us with your presence and talent!!!<br /><br />Rob describes his influences to be: Beatles, Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd, Pendragon, Jazz-Rock Fusion, Jeff Beck, Paul McCartney, Chris Squire, Gentle Giant... WOW - some great company there! Most of you guys know Rob to also be a wonderful artist to collaborate with, right? The man has TALENT!!!<br /><br />So, please tune in to <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/index.php?t=mix_radio">Mix Radio, the "Interactive Radio" via Mixposure.com</a> at <strong>8 pm Eastern Time - USA on Saturday, September 13</strong> and join us in the <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/chat/">Chat Room</a> for some fun chat during the show! There's always a great crowd hanging out, so don't be shy and come on in! In addition to <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/Rob_Grant/">Rob's</a> great Center Stage Presentation, I will bring you a great mix of Independent Artist's music from all over the world! After all, Mixposure is not only the home, but also the "future of Independent Music"!!! <br /><br />As usual, your song requests during the show are always welcome So, be sure to be in the chat to get your requests in. You can also email me at <em>mike@mixposure.com</em> for your requests and/or any other Mix Radio related matters. I'd be delighted to answer your emails! <br /><br />When requesting a tune, please be specific: real Mix artist name (no nick names!) and real song title is a MUST! If I have the music, or can download it during the show, I will honor your requests (oh yeah ... please, keep 'QUALITY' in mind - we're picky!! LOL!!).<br /><br />
<p><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: Verdana; color: #0080ff;"><em>You still have the opportunity to listen to last weeks show by going to the: <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/MixRadio/blog.php">Mix Radio Blogs Page here on Mixposure.com</a>, which also includes a link to last week's artists/songs I've played as well as the previous Artists, featured as a CSP during my shows, along with all the comments and rebroadcast links.</em><br /><br />
<p><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: Verdana; color: #0080ff;">We hope to see you this Saturday. I know you will NOT be disappointed! <br /><br />Cheers,<em><br /><br />Mike</em></span></p>
ok, please may we now have tee shirts that have printed on them WE WERE AT MIKE-K`s RADIO SHOW...heheeeee, sorry we were late and missed Robs spot, but we did show up and Joey looked so snug wrapped in his duvet when I woke him up..ehheeee...He was really pleased I did..
Peace n love mags
Damn! I've got a gig tonight and will have to miss out on Mike's show but I especially regret having to miss Rob's center stage presentation. I know it's going to be a fabulous show! It's an early gig so maybe I can catch the tale end of the show? I check in when I get home.
Sorry Rob!
Yo....it's my Robbie up there....I can't miss this! ~Blake
Rob Grant. One of the gentlest, nicest people I have come to know on this great site. This man is just oozing with talent. No way I'm going to miss this show !!!
"Gary Burris, mentioned a knot in the pit of his gut, in chat, during his CSP.....I got that already......I'm sick....I have more Stage Fright than ever
How many times during your life have you played with friends when they come to visit, or you go to visit them? I`m sure you never felt like that then, like you had a knot in the pit of your stomach.This is really no different, you`ll be with all your friends.
Peace n love Mags
SUPERB?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?????NOW!!! you just put the HEAT back on me.....the expectation of superb is IMPOSSIBLE.....I can get the S and the U....but that's about it......hehehehehehehehehehehehe
Hey Rob, guess what? The heat is now on ME! Delivering your SUPERB CSP!!! LOL!!! You can sit back and relax now!
HEY!! I couldn't help it......I suddenly got REALLY scared and pressured.......nothing sounded right or good or anything....MIKE!!!!!..MAKE ME INTERESTING!!!!
Am I under pressure for a good show??? YES - except for Rob's CSP ... it will be awesome!!! Waiting on some last minute changes ... Hurry up and take your time, Rob!! LOL!!!
ROB !!!!!
Oooh Man.....Have to set the alarm again !
You guys familiar with that nice Steelers Wheel tune "Late Again"....
Well...that's what it's gonna be again !
Do my best to be present !
Sorry Mum !
your humility is only exceeded by your musical talents rob..
Hey, Rob, This is totally cool...my friend !! Enjoy brother
Looking forward to it. !!
all the best,
Congratulations Rob!! I am so looking forward to this! Hey, and please don't be frightened just because you're in the center of the world this Saturday ...
Gary Burris, mentioned a knot in the pit of his gut, in chat, during his CSP.....I got that already......I'm sick....I have more Stage Fright than ever
Outstanding! Looking forward to this
GO ROB!! couldn't have picked a nicer bass player mike.. I'll have to get up early but rob you're worth it! cheers..