CSP - Rebroadcast SNR Center Stage Presentation with Rob Grant!
<p><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: Verdana; color: #00c000;"><a href="http://www.mixposure.com/rob_grant/">Rob Grant</a> had just a SUPER Center Stage Presentation here on Mix Radio!!! This is a person you would want to be friends with... not just musically!!! He gave us some beautiful music to listen to, but also some great stuff about "ROB", the person. All about how he got started in music and more! You really will appreciate this rebroadcast link. Rob's CSP was/is just awesome!!! And the rest of the show, well - all I can say is: You will never listen to commercial/mainstream radio again!!!<br /><br />Listen to more of Rob Grant's fantastic music <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/Rob_Grant/">HERE</a>.<br /><br /> Once again, if you missed this last show, <em>please download it to your iPOD or whatever means</em> to listen to a rebroadcast of this great show via the following links:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.guitaristworks.com/iMSRadio/091308SNRwithRobGrant.mp3">September 13, 2008 SNR - featuring Rob Grant - Hi-Fi</a><br /><br /><a href="http://www.guitaristworks.com/iMSRadio/091308SNRwithRobGrant_LOFI.mp3">September 13, 2008 SNR - featuring Rob Grant - Lo-Fi</a><br /><br />The complete playlist of this past Saturday's show is <a href="http://www.guitaristworks.com/iMSRadio/0913008SNRPlayList.htm">HERE</a>. <em> For all other re-broadcast links, please visit the <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/MixRadio/blog.php">Mix Radio Blogs Page</a></em><br /><br />We hope to see you again next Saturday for another exciting Mix Radio Center Stage Presentation via Mixposure.com - "Interactive Radio" at its best! <br /><br />Your Host,<br /><br /><a href="http://www.mixposure.com/Mike_Kohlgraf/">Mike K</a></span></p>
I tried all the links above (Jan 2023) all of Not Found!
This was so long ago. No idea if Todd can make this available.
I tried all the links above (Jan 2023) all of Not Found! 🤔
Hi Mike! I wasn't able to catch the show or Rob's CSP (scheduled gig) but I did download it and listened this morning. It was a great show and Rob's CSP was fabously interesting!!!!!!!!!! He does have some historical rock roots, from the lip sync band as a kid, to Disco, to Prog Rock! I feel fortunate to be included in some of his collabs as do many others I'm sure.
Even though I wasn't there to chat and listen live, I got it on the flip flop. Great show Mike K!
Enjoyed myself last night ! Cool playlist Mike....fun chat....Delighted to hear ROB...after all he had to go through...Great !!!!! Way to go ROB !!!
After working at a new tune Eve...Mmmmm....Was chillin alcoholic mood....When show started....hope I did not offend anyone !
I really loved Your Radioshow Mike. Awesome music thru out the whole show.
The cool people I met in the Chatroom has completed it for me.
I'll be back !!
I thoroughly enjoyed myself for the hour or so I was there Mike..Thankyou for the warm, genuine welcome you gave me...Even though we have connection probs here I`ll try my best be drop in again for another brilliant listening experience..
Peace n love Mags