CSP - Rebroadcast Mix Radio Center Stage Presentation with Maria Daines & Paul Killington
<p><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; color: #00ff00;">Another great Saturday Night Rocks show has past and with it, another great Mix Radio's Center Stage Presentation with our special guest <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/Maria_Daines/">Maria Daines & Paul Killington</a>! What a treat to have Maria & Paul in the chat during there awesome CSP - what great entertainment, indeed! <br /><br />Please, check out more of Maria & Paul's music <a href="http://www.maria-daines.com/">HERE</a>. <br /><br />We thank the listeners from Cygnusradio.com for tuning in and thanks to the iTunes listeners as well! I hope, you enjoyed the show! <br /><br /> Once again, if you missed this last show, <em>please download it to your iPOD or whatever means</em> to listen to a rebroadcast of this great show via the following links (or, you can just listen - no need to download - just right-lick and open!):<br /><br /><a href="http://www.guitaristworks.com/iMSRadio/20081206withMariaDaines.8.mp3">December 6, 2008 SNR - featuring Maria Daines & Paul Killington</a><br /><br />The complete playlist of this past Saturday's show is <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/index.php?c=december_6_2008_snr_play_list_with_maria_daines__paul_killington">HERE</a>. <br /><br />Here is Wave Roofer's show "Sunday Vibe" with a special Telephone interview, featuring <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/chris_moore/">Chris Moore!</a><br /><br /><a href="http://www.guitaristworks.com/iMSRadio/20081207SundayVibeWithWave%20Roofer.mp3">December 7, 2008 A Sunday Vibe with Wave Roofer</a><br /><br /><br /><em> For all other re-broadcast links, please visit the <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/MixRadio/blog.php">Mix Radio Blogs Page</a></em> I hope to see you again next Saturday for another exciting Mix Radio Center Stage Presentation via Mixposure.com - "Interactive Radio" at its best! And for those of you who want to play the guessing game as to who the next CSP will be, join our <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=104&sid=dbbca20e97ffd01dbc7482fd0579f5dc">Mix Radio DJ's Corner.</a> For our LIVE DJ schedule, please vitit <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/index.php?t=mix_radio_dj">this page</a>.<br /><br />Until next time - your Host,<br /><br /><a href="http://www.mixposure.com/Mike_Kohlgraf/">Mike K</a></span></p>
That was a fantastic show!
Dear Mike and everyone from Mixposure, Cygnus Radio & beyond!
Last night was awesome! And it was our pleasure to be here, we absolutely loved it and we will be back for sure, the fun in chat was superb and we heard some top songs that it would be hard to beat anywhere, in future I need a pen and paper so I can write some of the tracks down and go and find the artists, last night that was hard to do whilst dancing on the tables, cheering and smiling haha! What a show Mike-K, you ROCK for indies and for friends in music, thank you for making us feel special and so welcome, it was unforgettable! I hope we can make the Christmas shows! Thanks to everyone in the chat last night, it was fantastic to meet up again, thumbsup!!
All our best & bye for now
Love from Maria & Paul xx
I got to hear part of the show and I am going to come back and listen to the whole thing. I'm a fan and know you folks music from several sites and from the great work you've done with Mike. Thanks Mike too for bringing Maria and Paul to the CSP!
Dear Maria and Paul, thank you for giving us such a special treat with not only your awesome Center Stage Presentation, but also your presence in the chat during the entire show! We appreciate you guys a whole lot!
We'll have to do that again, because your words are inspiring as is your music. I couldn't think of a better even I'd spend anywhere!