2009-01-10 Mix Radio Center Stage - Nigel Potter
<p><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; color: #00ffff;">Mix Radio on Mixposure.com presents our next Mix Radio Center Stage Presentation during my "Saturday Night Rocks" show: <br /><br /><a href="http://www.mixposure.com/Nigel_Potter/">Nigel Potter</a><br /> <br /> Long time in the making, but ready to be finally aired on Saturday Night Rocks here on Mixposure.com<br /><br />Please tune in to <a href="http://mixposure.com:8010/listen.pls">Mix Radio, the "Interactive Radio" via Mixposure.com</a> at <strong>the NEW time - 6 pm Eastern Time - USA on Saturday, January 10, 2009</strong> and join us in the <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/index.php?t=mix_chat">Chat Room</a> for some fun chat during the show! There's always a great crowd hanging out, so don't be shy and come on in! <br /><br />In addition to <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/Nigel_potter/">Nigel's</a> fantastic Center Stage Presentation, I will bring you a great mix of Independent Artist's music from all over the world! After all, Mixposure is not only the home, but also the "future of Independent Music"!!! <br /><br />We also will be simulcasting this show on <a href="http://www.cygnusradio.com">Cygnus Radio</a>, which we are very excited about. So Cygnus Radio listeners and also listeners via iTunes will be tuning in! <br /><br />Requests will be limited and appended to the show I've already scheduled. Lots of new music in my play list!<br /><br />As a reminder: you still have the opportunity to listen to last weeks shows (mine, Kephas and Wave Roofer's show by going to the: <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/MixRadio/blog.php">Mix Radio Blogs Page here on Mixposure.com</a>, which also includes a link to last week's artists/songs I've played as well as the previous Artists, featured as a CSP during my shows, along with all the comments and rebroadcast links. Not only that, but it those blogs also have the rebroadcast links of Wave Roofer (Sunday Vibe) and Kephas (Thursday Nght Out) included.<br /><br />For our entire Live DJ show schedule, check <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/index.php?t=mix_radio_dj">This Page.</a> We hope to see you this Saturday. I know you will NOT be disappointed! <br /><br />Cheers,<em><br /><br />Mike</em></span></p>
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Thank you all.
Was an amazing night.
I didn't sleep much as my brain had gone into what I call "Mad monkey" mode,too much praise!!!! LOL
My thanks to Mike and everyone!!
Carol, it was a great surprise to see you in the chat. Thanks so much for joining us for Nigel's presentation. Please, do not be a stranger. As you probably noticed, we do have a lot of fun during the shows.
And yes, Nigel was awesome!
Rebroadcast links will be posted after Wave Roofer's show today... Sunday Vibe at 2 pm ET/USA,
Neda ... dankesehr ... der link was wirklich falsch. LOL - tut mir leid!
Ich glaube dieser Link ist falsch:
Nigel Poyyer
What a great CSP, Nigel!!! It was worth the long wait!!!
Cheers, mate!!!
Looking Forward to this one.. Congrats Nigel...
Nigel.........????? I know that name from somewhere......hmmmm?.....Potter???.......sounds familiar???? as in Harry? You related?
Oh yes! This is one I dont want to miss!
This will be a good one, friends. And I will play the CSP with Nigel early, since he and others are in a totally different time zone. So, get to the show early!
Great News!...I'll look out for the D/L when it comes out! Congrates Nigel.
Ooh yes...this is cool ! CSP with Nigel Potter....will do my best to tune in !