Saturday Night Rocks 8/8/09 - Center Stage: Rodger Christmann
<p><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; color: #00FFFF;">Mix Radio on Mixposure.com presents our next Mix Radio Center Stage Presentation during my "Saturday Night Rocks" show on August 8, 2009: <br /><br />All the way from Germany: <a href="http://www2.mixposure.com/Rodger_Christmann/">Rodger Christmann!</a><br /> </span></p><p><span style="font-size: x-large;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #ffff00;"><span style="font-size: large;">Since Rodger is in Germany, I will play his CSP after the first official set! Be there on time!</span></span><br /></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; color: #00FFFF;"><br />Now, the influences listed by Rodger are some really great names: Influences: The Beatles, Moody Blues, Eric Clapton, Chris Rea, Mark Knopfler, John Martyn and Joni Mitchell! But, let me tell you that this man has his own distinctive style in the approach of music and you will love what you hear! If we're lucky, I will talk to Rodger LIVE via Skype during the show - right after his Center Stage!<br /><br />I am also looking forward to Gina (Wildhoneypie) and her segment "Open up your pie hole!" (if she doesn't have to work!) - nothing dirty, but all informative as to what's going on here on Mixposure and Mix Radio!<br /><br />Please tune in to <a href="http://mixposure.com:8010/listen.pls">Mix Radio, the "Interactive Radio" via Mixposure.com</a> at 7 pm Eastern Time - USA on Saturday - August 8, 2009 and join us in the <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/index.php?t=mix_chat">Chat Room</a> for some fun chat during the show! There's always a great crowd hanging out, so don't be shy and come on in! <br /><br />Additionally, I will bring you a great mix of Independent Artist's music from all over the world! Mixposure is not only the home, but also the "Future of Independent Music"!!! <br /><br />As a reminder: you still have the opportunity to listen to previous shows by going to the: <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/MixRadio/blog.php">Mix Radio Blogs Page here on Mixposure.com</a>! By Indies FOR Indies and their fans!<br /><br />For our entire Live DJ show schedule, check <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/index.php?t=mix_radio_dj">This Page.</a> We hope to see you this Saturday. I know you will NOT be disappointed! <br /><br />Cheers,<br /><br />Mike</span></p> <p> </p>
Thanks, Rick!!! It was a nice show, I think, lots of variety for sure! Great talent here on Mixposure! No doubt about that!