June 7, 2008 Saturday Night Rocks Re-Broadcast
<p><span style="font-family: verdana,geneva; color: #00ccff; font-size: medium;">Well, folks. I want to first thank all of you, who joined the show this last Saturday. We finally got the show off and running at about 22:20 and I am so thrilled that you all hung in there like you did. I still managed to broadcast an ALMOST 4 hour show, believe it or not! <br /><br />It was worth it, wasn't it? The first segment of "iMS Radio Center Stage Presentation", featuring the Easton Brothers was just simply amazing! <br /><br />For that reason alone you should listen to the re-broadcast of the show, if you missed it! So a BIG thanks to Mark and Barry Easton and their FANTASTIC music!<br /><br />Check the Blogs and the Forums for an announcement about our next "iMS Radio Center Stage Presentation". I just know that you will be thrilled about the next artist as well!<br /><br />Here are the re-broadcast links:<br /><br /><span style="font-size: small;">June <br />7, 2008 Saturday Night Rocks, featuring The Easton Brothers - Hi-Fi<br /><br />June <br />7, 2008 Saturday Night Rocks, featuring The Easton Brothers - Lo-Fi<br /><br />Previous shows:<br /><br />May 31, 2008 <br />Saturday Night Rocks - Hi-Fi<br /><br />May <br />31, 2008 Saturday Night Rocks - Lo-Fi<br /><br />May 24, 2008 <br />Saturday Night Rocks - Hi-Fi<br /><br />May 24, <br />2008 Saturday Night Rocks - Lo-Fi<br /></span><br />See you next time!<br /><br />Musically Yours,<br />Mike</span></p>
Thank you very much, Gina! And thanks for being as much of a "music nut" as I am!!! Appreciate the support and kind words!
Thanks so much, Rick! All of you guys are great! And I absolutely love your new tune! Congrats to you and Gabriel Sabadi for such an outstanding song!
I have to echo what Rick said. You and Dazed worked your butts off to get the show back on the road and it was indeed a great one !!! I had a blast man
And I missed it
WWWWAAAAAAHHHHHHH. You realise that I'll have to make up for it NEXT Saturday? :P