June 28, 2008 "iMS Radio Center Stage Presentation"
<p><span style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: medium;"><strong>Friends, I think it's about time to announce the next Artist for our Center Stage Presentation this Saturday, June 28th on our "Saturday Night Rocks" Show.<br /><br />This time, we have the pleasure and priviledge to present <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/michael_fix">Michael Fix</a>, an amazing guitar player, during this special segment of our show.<br /><br />So, please tune in to <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/index.php?t=ims_radio">iMS-Mix Radio via Mixposure.com</a> at 8 pm Eastern Time - USA and join us in the <a href="http://www.imusicscene.com/chat/">Chat Room</a> for some fun chat during the show! There's always a great crowd hanging out, so don't be shy and come on in!<br /><br /><em>For re-broadcasts of previous shows with Artists participating in our Center Stage Presentation segment, please visit the <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/iMS_Radio/blog.php">iMS Radio Blogs Page here on Mixposure.com</a></em><br /><br />We hope to see you this Saturday. Michael Fix is an amazing performer and you would not want to miss his segment where you will get to know him a little bit better! Not to mention his music, which is plain awesome!<br /><br />Cheers,<br /><br />Mike</strong></span></p>
mike i'm sorry i will miss your show again this week, as i will be out of town on business,
but as allways, i will listen to the rebroadcast.
lookin foward to it!
Yeah, folks. All I can tell you, if you don't know Michael Fix and his work, you NEED to tune in for this one. Great commentary by him as well! He just finished his tour in Japan before he submitted his CSP to me. He's another one of those MUST HEAR artists!
Looking forward to hearing the show. Michael is an amazing guitarist. Do not miss this show everyone. Michael is a true talent in every shape and form!
Wow, Mike, maybe we're sympatico, but you haven't picked a dud yet. I have never met Mike, even though he too is an Aussie. I first became aware of him on mp3.com.au and later mixposure (in it's former life) through Kat Speel. Unless I'm wrong (in which case feel free to delete this post) Michael was Kat's producer and player guitar on her tracks. I've heard some of Michael's tracks on both this version and the earlier version of mixposure and he is one hell of a guitarist. This is a real coup, Mike. You had given us the good oil on the Easton Brothers, many of us have known and loved Kephas and Shane for some time, but I think Michael's work is probably new to a lot of people in here. They are going to be blown away.
Fantastic choice. Looking forward to it. Not sure what time I'm playing soccer on Sunday, but chances are I might call in sick if it clashes.