MIX Radio - Center Stage Presentation with RwK Rebroadcast
<p><span style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: medium;">There you have it. "Interactive Radio" in action again - only on MIX Radio! Another great Mix Radio Center Stage Presentation is in the books, this time with our special guest <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/RwK/">RwK aka ReaperSG</a>.What a smooth cat on that guitar and his vocal pieces are fantastic, too!<br /><br />Listen to more of RwK's music on his <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/RwK/">Mixposure Home</a>. Truly a class act, as are all the artists we feature during my "Saturday Night Rocks" show. <br /><br />It's a pleasure, featuring all of these great artists from all over the world. Not just during the Center Stage Presentation, but in general. What an abundance of talent! Who would need mainstream radio? I sure do not! Independent Artists are far more original and entertaining (yes, you may quote me on that!).<br /><br />If you missed this last show, you can listen to it again via the following links:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.guitaristworks.com/iMSRadio/070508_SNR_with_RwK_HI.mp3">July 5, 2008 SNR - featuring RwK - Hi-Fi</a><br /><br /><a href="http://www.guitaristworks.com/iMSRadio/070508_SNR_with_RwK_LO.mp3">July 5,, 2008 SNR - featuring RwK - Lo-Fi</a><br /><br />The complete playlist of this past Saturday's show is <a href="http://www.guitaristworks.com/iMSRadio/07-05-08%20SNR%20Playlist.htm">HERE</a>.<br /><br />For all other re-broadcast links, please visit the <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/MixRadio/blog.php">Mix Radio Blogs Page</a><br /><br />We hope to see you again next Saturday for another exciting Mix Radio Center Stage Presentation on Mix Radio via Mixposure.com<br /><br />Cheers,<br /><br /><a href="http://www.mixposure.com/Mike_Kohlgraf/">Mike</a></span></p>
Rick, you really did a fantastic job with this presentation and I want to thank you! Excellent choice of tunes as well!
Your friend,
Fantastic show last night everyone. I loved the new promos and the CSP with Reaper was absolutely fantastic! It was also nice to see some new faces in the chat room. The word is getting out that Mike's show is the place to be on a Saturday night!