MIX Radio - Center Stage Presentation with TCP Rebroadcast
<p><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; color: #00ccff;">"Interactive Radio" in action again - only on MIX Radio via Mixposure.com, the home and "future of Independent Music"! Another great Mix Radio Center Stage Presentation is in the books, this time with our special guest TCP, a Progressive Rock project that will blow away many mainstream artists with their awesome music! Listen to more of TCP's music <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/TCP/">HERE</a>.<br /><br />Just a little factoid for those of you who are not familiar with Internet Radio when it comes to Independent Artists: <br /><br />There are a huge number of "Indie Stations" on the Internet. I have done some extensive research over the past 4 years and I can tell you that most of those stations will have about 15 listeners MAX during one of their primetime shows. Well, I am happy to report that we hit a whopping <strong>32 Listeners</strong> on this last show here on Mix Radio! This might not seem big to you as you are reading this, but it is!!! Also, it should tell you that there is work to be done! We need many more listeners to realize how great Independent Artists really are!!! YOU can help by spreading the word! Just contact everyone you know who loves good music and have them do the same with everyone they know and simply poin them to Mix Radio on Mixposure.com - it's music that deserves to be heard by MANY more people!!!<br /><br /> It's a pleasure, featuring all of these great artists from all over the world. Not just during the Center Stage Presentation, but in general. What an abundance of talent! Who would need mainstream radio? I sure do not! Independent Artists are far more original and entertaining (yes, you may quote me on that!).<br /><br />If you missed this last show, you <em>SHOULD</em> listen to it via the following links:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.guitaristworks.com/iMSRadio/071908SNRwithTCP.mp3">July 19, 2008 SNR - featuring TCP - Hi-Fi</a><br /><br /><a href="http://www.guitaristworks.com/iMSRadio/071908SNRwithTCP-LO.mp3">July 19, 2008 SNR - featuring TCP - Lo-Fi</a><br /><br />The complete playlist of this past Saturday's show is <a href="http://www.guitaristworks.com/iMSRadio/071908SNRPlayList.htm">HERE</a>.<br /><br />For all other re-broadcast links, please visit the <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/MixRadio/blog.php">Mix Radio Blogs Page</a><br /><br />We hope to see you again next Saturday for another exciting Mix Radio Center Stage Presentation on Mix Radio via Mixposure.com<br /><br />Cheers,<br /><br /><a href="http://www.mixposure.com/Mike_Kohlgraf/">Mike</a></span></p>