
Kaleidoscope Mind

album: Down Among The Dead Men
genre: Posh Pop
streams: 23
creation date: 2024-06-21

  Song Lyrics
They clipped his wings but not his fight  our intrepid hero an orphan of the night I am reborn in the space between the sounds Interstitial reality where...
  Song Information
Kaleidoscope Mind is a celebration of belief in oneself whilst all around you crumbles as subversive thoughts free the rebel. Play Loud
Kaleidoscope Mind
06/26/24 01:22:01PM @jimsae:
Miz, this is incredible! Drama and tension from the first notes, and your vocals are top shelf!
06/22/24 08:30:20PM @mizieya:
wow thanks @farell-jackson high praise indeed - thank you for that
06/22/24 08:29:10PM @mizieya:
much thanks to @BillB I won't lie you inspired me with my synth guitar.
Farrell Jackson
06/22/24 03:32:17PM @farrell-jackson:
A super song Mezieya! The lyrics are a real standout as are your vocals. Well done!!!!!!
06/21/24 09:10:45PM @billb:
Mizieya, as usual you keep sounding interesting with using these unique concepts.
Very nice production of an enjoyable song.


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