Moon Pie
Moon Pie

Hector the Orange

album: EPCDR 2008
genre: Avantgarde
streams: 83
creation date: 2009-05-18

  Song Information
TRACK 3 from Moon Pie's 2008 self released EPCDR.  Can you guess the instrumentation?
Hector the Orange
05/30/09 11:13:22AM @mark-reed:
I like the concept of this, it sounds like an orchestra tune up, but with rhythm. Solid bass line and that repeating melody sequence. Clever piece well done
05/20/09 09:25:10PM @zzaj:
Wonderin' if Hector was originally named "Julius"... as in the Roman dude who let thee fires burn all 'round his feet... this definitely qualifies as a "fun" song, almost childlike, but full of neat lil' musical surprises. You've GOT that "fun thang" we were talking about DOW-un... I rate this as HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
05/19/09 09:30:48PM @king-cake:
I'm just a sucker for backwards sounding anything....I enjoyed the transition to upright piano at the end and all the other instruments (what ever they were....)
05/19/09 10:55:55AM @akashaman:
very kewl piece here ! lots the backwards loops & all. kind of circus gone mad , not a good idea to do the brown acid at the fair , lol.
seriously tho , this would be a kewl intro to an album or whatnot. cleverly arranged & produced. great ears.
chek out my pop psych music blog , u would dig. link at my page here.
keep it up.


05/19/09 01:50:18AM @tlt50:
Anything with "MOON" catches my interest.Some very cool instrumentation... Unigue soundscapes,with interesting chord changes. Creativity is the key...well done !! Welcome to the MIX !!


05/18/09 01:19:14PM @blue-sahara:
Intriguing song with nice hooks right from the beginning. Like the reverse sounds, the subtle drumming. Interesting tune, to say the least. The title is unique :-)
Question: Why did you upload your songs 'LoFi' only?


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