mukhlis nor
mukhlis nor

HARING(the smell)

album: 'aLi - inaugural release
genre: Tribal
streams: 131
creation date: 2009-07-12
purchase: mp3, 6.9MB, 00:05:03
  Song Lyrics
Haring ("The Album" Version) Ku usik kenangan lama Bermusim yang hujan dan kering Helang seraya membisik kepadanya Adapun ini khabar yang penting...
HARING(the smell)
06/12/12 06:35:36AM @kalola-kiss:
The track arouses basic instincts inside my being.

I have become a tribal person finding in a few MY tribe.

Thank you for awaking in me this longing. You've helped me identify with something as primative & as old as our earth.

I luv this and it has become an instant favorite.


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