Neil Benton
Neil Benton

Pushing my boundaries

user image 2010-07-09
By: Neil Benton
Posted in: New song release
Pushing my boundaries

<p>I've just created a new song with a different feel and using more production overall. I haven't a great deal of experience using drum tracks and stuff but Garageband makes things reasonably straightforward so I'm not too disappointed with the outcome at all. I&nbsp;managed&nbsp;to get this all done in a day too!</p><p>Really keen to hear what you think...</p><p>Neil</p>

07/11/10 04:06:47PM @dazed:
LOL Farrell. See the blogs actually work! It is kind of like "See, I Made You Look!"

Neil is that a Darth Vader helmet in the background? ;)

Farrell Jackson
07/11/10 09:57:14AM @farrell-jackson:
I'm looking forward to checking out your song. Thanks for the blog heads up because I'm heading to your page right now.



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