
Dear Diary what a day

genre: Psychedelic Rock
streams: 71
creation date: 2008-10-13

  Song Lyrics
Dear Diary what a dayMonday, dear Diary what a dayWhat a dayAlright...those cowstell 'em to keep 'em movingkeep 'em movingJohnny is a BuddhistJohnny is a...
  Song Information
Oh yes Ladies and Gentlemen! Nige and Trev feel that it's very important to keep a diary. Here is a rambling 9 minute example of a typical boring Monday in...
Dear Diary what a day
11/07/09 10:07:51AM @seekers-after-smooth-things:
I reviewed this a year ago and I am doing it again for my old mucker Mick Clack. This is what years of bed-sit Oxford does to you. Dale's drumming is superb - loose a stool water and Mick's guitar playing is a finely sensed projection of maladjustment (the Perry laugh loop is as mad as it gets). There is lots more of this scattered around the web but check out the other song here which appears to have been much loved. Ultimately I think this site would not be ironic enough for Mick so he scatters his acorns elsewhere. Come back you miserable git! ftlpope
11/17/08 04:56:18AM @seekers-after-smooth-things:
Sorry Mick, forgot to say, loved your goal for Aston Villa against Arsenal at the weekend.
11/17/08 04:49:23AM @seekers-after-smooth-things:
Who would have thought, one day Ducklington, 30 years later, the world. Deeply impressed by this and all the other stuff at Soundclick. Best wishes from andresK and everyone at ftlpope.
10/19/08 09:26:35AM @steph-klish:
Ha Ha Ha Ha
totally a great job
love the beavis voice
you guys are a trip and this is a great off the wall job.
Enjoyed the work you did with this one
cool guys
bet this was a blast to make

10/15/08 08:52:21PM @mike-kohlgraf:
I REALLY have been struggling with this one for some days now. You may hate or love me, up to you - but, I think you deserve a bit of honesty:

The musical track is BEYOND AWESOME!!! Everything, instrumentally, arrangement, mixing, panning, overall production - ALL PERFECT!

Might be my personal preference, but the vocals are actually annoying me. Anyway ... SUPER piece, except for all the YAK which, IMHO, destroiys a fanhtastic tune!!!

You maye want to consider putting some melody to it and have a Jazz singer take it on - I am sure it would be a HIT!!! AND, NO I am NOT kidding!


10/14/08 08:10:07AM @mark-reed:
This is great, for the novelty value alone it's worth buying lol. enjoyed this one
10/14/08 06:33:34AM @dazed:
first of all the drums are excellent and there is some superb guitar and bass playing. Now where this song is going I have no idea hehe butit sounded like you guys had fun.


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