

user image 2011-11-07
By: Nightrain
Posted in:

<p>My playing has improved. I've posted up several new things in hopes you all will enjoy them. I have come a long way and still have a long way to go.&nbsp; Do not think I will ever grace a stage but it does feed my Addiction. Live to play and play to live.&nbsp; I'm currently enrolled in private lessons to help me not suck as much. LOL.</p><p>Nightrain</p>

11/08/11 01:34:00PM @digger-stone:
Brother youi have come a long way from the first time i heard you...

allthough you don't know me on any kind of a personal level,nor i you!

i would still be happy to tell you, damn proud of you bro! soundin good!


Farrell Jackson
11/09/11 03:39:04PM @farrell-jackson:
I'm not sure how far you've come but just your positive (and humorous) attitude plus commitment to keep at it tells me you are and will improve your musical skills!

Something that has helped me become a better guitar player (not saying I'm great because I'm just average) is to remember to focus on and really listen to the background music you're playing to. It's not so much how quick and technical you are (although dexterity is good) but more on your timing, where you place the notes, and tone....there are times when a little silence between riffs is the most powerful part of a solo.

Sorry I don't mean to preach so take it for what it's worth coming from an average guitar player.....I've reviewed one of your songs and you are definitely headed in the right direction!

Farrell Jackson


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