<p><strong><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: arial black,avant garde;">P. Blacque (Peal Blacque), I'm a Producer from the Bronx, born in the Brithish virgin Island but been living in N.Y. at the age of 11. Became serious with music in the summer of 1987 because I was able to tour with my music teacher who was a jazz musician and had a jazz band, because I was good with the Trombone. By touring with this jazz band I was able to meet more musicians and diffirent types of band. That same music teacher was also a conductor of a major marching band(NY Lancers) from the N.Y area. Because I was kicked out of my Junior High School he took me inn and thats how I became a Producer</span></span></strong></p>