P Eric Bailey
Song Lyrics
Crazy World
Standing on a corner on a busy avenue
No one has the time to stop and say hello to you
Everyone is staring with their faces to the ground
Song Information
My first collaboration with Rob Hanlon. What a pleasure it truly was working with him.
Rob Hanlon: drums, synths, lead guitar
P Eric Bailey: vocals, acoustic...
here in November 2023 seems we are still living in a crazy world ~ your song is still so relevant since it's creation in 2015...& I still love it @p-eric-bailey
I have always loved this song from back in 2015 ~ & now in 2022 it is still a Crazy World & this song continues to be relevant
Peace, Moe
Crazy world-- it`s so true! Good vibes in this fantastic song!
Love this classic rock vibe. Excellent vocals. You guys took me back in time and I love when that happens with music. Thank you!
VERY cool to hear some new tracks Phil! And this one is awesome! The lyrics are awesome the performance is awesome, great track my friend, hope to hear more!
Vig this is for you brother. Speaking of pictures; I don't post many of myself because my very first kindergarten pictures I brought home and was really proud of them. My older brother took one look and said " My god. Take those things and put them out in the garden to keep the animals out." Of course that is exactly what I did. My mother thought i was insane:)
LP...thank you very much. First running a business does not permit me to be involved here as much as I would like to be. Secondly I do want to give you a very heartfelt recognition for all that you do around here on the Mix. Your contribution means a lot to not only myself but to all of us that attempt to express ourselves musically. In fact a big thanks goes out to all of you involved in the background, Todd, Jim, Gene, Doug, LP, Vig, Bobby, Joseph, Sat, Cherry and any others I may have failed to mention. I personally appreciate it a lot. Without any of you we would never be heard. Lastly, those fellow musicians that take more time than the rest of us to listen and review...and Farrrell...you are tremendous I must say.....thank you
Wow!! Gotta love those lyrics. The sad thing is , that it's all true!! You've wrapped up so many truths of the world into one song.. Very nicely written. Great vocals. And the music is Wonderful too. 5*****
All The Best,
Larry...thanks brother.
Two....talented artists, musicians and music creators . Excellent collab , you both compliment each other brilliantly. Superbly done , my friends,
All the best,
Larry T
Jim, Dave and Farrell when my peers (whom i greatly respect) leave comments such as these it means more to me than most other things. I thank all of you very sincetely.
The lyrics in this were taken right out of my thoughts... Wonderful expression of some of the "crazy" realities right now. That guitar is unique and beautiful, sounding almost like a cross between a 12 string and a Sitar with all of those harmonics. Very creative, expressive and just downright good.
Very cool collab Eric and Rob! Excellent songwriting and the lead solo was wild. Excellent acoustic and vocal work as always Eric!
Mike, thanks for taking the time to listen.
Hey Vig...How are you bro?
nice to see you. just stopped in to see your picture. Hope you are doing well.