Pamela Davis
Paradise With You Pamela Davis

Category: Music
Duration: 00:04:54
Duration: 00:04:54
You can download the song here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dont-look-back/id691411175
Went down to Boca Raton a few weeks back and was interviewed on 'Wandering Thru Wayne's World. and performed my new song 'Paradise With You' off my new album 'Don't Look Back". : And for more info: pameladavis.net and https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Pamela_Davis_Don_t_Look_Back?id=Bkqlahlmbthegv25tsjoq3vwkw4
Went down to Boca Raton a few weeks back and was interviewed on 'Wandering Thru Wayne's World. and performed my new song 'Paradise With You' off my new album 'Don't Look Back". : And for more info: pameladavis.net and https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Pamela_Davis_Don_t_Look_Back?id=Bkqlahlmbthegv25tsjoq3vwkw4