Paul Reed Smith Music
Paul Reed Smith Music

Harleys In Heaven

album: Paul Reed Smith Band
genre: Rock
streams: 412
creation date: 2010-08-05

Harleys In Heaven
08/16/10 01:23:42AM @bilbozo:
This sing has such movement and urgency. Gosh I love that wah tone in combination with the clean and distorted parts of the guitars. Very fluid licks standing on a great foundation...I love songs in minoe scale ! Always so atmospheric. Another beauty - Bill Smith ( Bilbozo )
08/15/10 08:03:25AM @geezers-go:
This one's a wild ride. Im getting a certain 80's rock vibe from this one. I love it!
08/07/10 06:55:15PM @dazed:
I think many can relate to this tune and the lyrics. Kind of an anthem for bike enthusiast all over. Great vocals and killer musicians. With that combo, you just can't go wrong!
08/06/10 12:14:05AM @tlt50:
Yea man.....superb...intro :) The production,musicianship...overall mind blowing.
Songwriting...+1......Killar guitars...those tones are sweeet !! Great track... !!!



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