<p><span lang="EN"></span></p><p>My name is Perry Fanellia. I am determined to change the face of hip-hop for the present and beyond. A lot of the music that I listen to now has lost direction or been diluted while on the path to hip-hop's righteousness. My music is deeply rooted from the essence of what true hip-hop really is. I have honed this art and craft for at least ten years now, but I still learn something more knowledgeable about this game that helps me to grow as a greater lyricist everyday. I consider my music and lyrics to be personable, yet relative to others who may have strayed across my same plights at one time or another throughout their own lives. I consider good music to be an outlet which can allow you to zone and unplug, but also produces nostalgia and remembrance, whether the instances be good or bad. Being a lyricist is a passion that I've adored for quite some time, and now that I have the opportunity to express this to others, I hope that they can appreciate this same sentiment. I do this to soar, but I also do this for you and yours. Please enjoy..one!</p>