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genre: Rock
streams: 34
creation date: 2018-07-09
Song Lyrics
"HEY AMARA"Music and Lyric by Phil Kearney
She don't say muchLeast not to me anywayOn the off chance we cross pathsOut there in the hallway
Hey AmaraAmara...
"HEY AMARA" Music and Lyric by Phil Kearney
She don't say much Least not to me anyway On the off chance we cross paths Out there in the hallway
Hey Amara Amara hey
There's only so many times One can whistle past the graveyard
"When sorrows come they come not single spies but in battalions..." -William Shakespeare
Hey Amara (Ghost in the machine) Amara Hey (Ghost in the machine) Hey Amara (Ghost in the machine) Amara Hey (Ghost in the machine)
Such a fine songwriter, producer and performer you are!!