Mela Meli and Company
Mela, short for Melani and Meli, short for Melvin have been co-writing songs for several years now. Our process generally works like this; 1) I create the composition and arrangement, usually on acoustic 12 string guitar and send it to Mela. 2)...
Figures At Dawn
Lead singer Suzanne Palmer, keyboardist Ray Walsh, guitarist Aaron Allan, bassist Paul Caspar, and saxophonist Larry Bodner are the five members who made up the indie rock group Figures at Dawn. The band formed in Toronto around 1984. A year...
da boi derinho
"da boi" derinho pronounced "dereenyoh"... aka Derek Damico... aka boi Snarky, aka boiJangles, aka boi Jolson, aka boi Shady... is a solo artist... the boss of The Magneto Flobe, and the mastermind of Maloa Warriors... and half of the rock duo da...