<p>Lots of changes have taken place in my life in the past few years. I have become an ordained Reverend and Minister at the Church of Bluffton. Something happend to me when I was playing piano at this little church one Sunday and I will never be the same as I was!</p><p> I used to be into crude and rude and now I'm into Jesus. If you want to know how to clear your self of plastic friends, just tell them you stopped partying and started reading the bible.</p><p>I would not go back to that old way of life for a million bucks! So my music has taken a change. If it is hard for you to listen to, you may want to go back to the devil rock your used to.</p><p>If you find a spiritual uplifting then please contact me. If you feel nothing you may want to check your medication.</p><p>Life is on this planet is short, don't waste it wagging your musical tail. Do Something Worth While!</p><p>The Reverend Terry Prong</p>