<p class="info" style="height: 100%; overflow: hidden;"><span>When you take some very experienced professional musicians who have been making music for decades and lock them up in a room for a year, you will get some extremely meaningful music. Quarter Moon is just that sort of band, youthful at heart, experienced and skilled at our trade. Our music is not as polished and dead as an over dubbed studio production, but rather a representation of what is real in music, what really happens in life. <br /><br />In The Mirror has a lifetime of emotions and experiences which are represented in lyric and note. Trenee has captured the spice of life in words and the band has added music to complete the journey. The perils of life, the joys of being, and the magic of love all represented.<br /><br />Enjoy In The Mirror with your emotions as life moves on.</span></p><p> </p>