A BLUER SKY - co-creators
<p>I'd like to give thanks and my deep appreciation to the following wonderful people who have co-created the album "A Bluer Sky" to date:<br /><br />first: My wonderful wife for lyrics to "Canyon Ferry" & "Dragon Fire"<br /><br />Tanja Langerbeins for "A Bluer Sky". Her music may be heard at http://www.****.com/Tanja<br /><br />Greg Lesnjak for "Chakras". <br /><br />Phillip Eric Bailey for "Winter Moon" & "Aura's Song". His music may found at:http://www.myspace.com/prairieranger<br /><br />Jorgen Olsson for "As I Take a Closer Look". More of his music at: http://www.stereofame.com/olsson<br /><br />Janey Neal for "Canyon Ferry". http://www.stereofame.com/janey_neal <br /><br />Michelle Troup for singing "Dragon Fire"<br /><br />Tamara Rodriquez for "Just Let Go". Visit Tamara and her great music at: http://www.tamaraonline.net<br /><br />Thank you!<br /><br />Raymond Hogue</p>
Congrats on the new cd. Janey Neal - Now there is a name I have not seen in awhile. She is a fantastic musician and has a bunch of music on Mixposure. Very talented to say the least.