Richard John
Richard John

Snowflake In The Desert ('Lounge' mix no'1)

genre: Alternative
streams: 202
creation date: 2009-01-22

Snowflake In The Desert ('Lounge' mix no'1)
05/17/09 10:57:05AM @hydrogen3:
Beautiful acoustics in the beginning took my breath way!. Very well mixed awesome vocals! Holley :)
04/02/09 12:10:51PM @piperon:
Interesting startup got me hook on this charming stuff, delivering the most sensational thought of an awesome musician. You sing so easily and smoothly, like there is no need to use your breath. Playful and free, I like this mood swing.

With million of love from Singapore.
Piperon - One and Only spiritual flute player on Earth.

03/31/09 12:44:17PM @slowmarchingband:
Really nice opening acoustic line with a tough of synth! Has that french/jazz vibe. This moves along so smoothly and care-free... This is going to stick to my ribs for a few days. Great title and lyrics! Wondefully played and sung!
Luca Wulf
01/25/09 11:54:06AM @huge-artist:
So what has my old mate Ricahrd been up to?....
You old smooth lounge lizrd you :)
You know for some reason,I can imagine this in a film like Bladerunnr....
Just something about it's atmosphere that I think would erally suit such a film.
Beautiful written as always mate.
Greatly enjoyed.


01/23/09 08:10:44AM @josephrodz:
A simple and great production!!
Nice voice and melody.

Dan Stewart
01/22/09 10:06:14PM @dan-stewart:
Hi Richard, very different from many of the songs I've heard you play, except that wonderful guitar. At first I wondered if I liked the, well, for the lack of a better word, squeeking. But into the song, it fit in well. I liked the lazy happy beat and the melody. If I were to give any advice, it would be to quiet or soften the original "squeeks" a little, the ones toward the end help the song, where I found tthe first one's drew my attention away from the guitar. Not a critique, just an opinion. Loved the lyrics and your delivery. This song will find it's way onto my MP3 player for work.
Best wishes, Dan

01/22/09 09:49:58PM @mike-lynn:
Richard, yes, this is uniquely different from your recent postings. It has an quite appealing mood and it's pretty pleasant. The style of this song especially the way you sing reminded of someone but I couldn't recall instantly (Kenny Rankin perhaps ?). Cheers. Mike
01/22/09 06:22:43PM @michael-nunley:
What a unique blend of sounds! Smooth .... but spiced with all kinds of cool stuff. Yeah, I'm glad I gave this one a spin.
08/19/10 07:56:05PM @richard-krankoski:
What a great progression of sounds. The lyrics painted one picture but I kept seeing a slow moving surreal merry-go-round.
01/22/09 02:56:47PM @vesa:
Very neat acoustic playing -nice & bright sound, love the sound effects, -very unique piece...has an original rhtyhm to it. Most uplifting. Great vocals, very nice tone in your voice. Fine lyrics...time to get away from the rat race and take it easy in a relaxing realm- I totally agree, with your cosmic revelation. I'm out this city life. Bye. A relaxing tune...makes me want to go to the the arranging, great production. I'm swaying like the palm trees, without any effort. Tasteful guitar sound; feels like there are animals in your studio...FAB!! An EXCELLENT tune. Love it. Into my faves it goes. Worth more listens. So fine.
-Your new fan from the land-up-over.

01/22/09 12:26:23PM @saladin-de-tolosa:
From were the hell are coming these fucking harmonies ? It's really fantastic ! I love the voice processing too. Did you ever take a boat with the guy playing his Casio at night while women are dancing and men are drinking looking at them wondering if the fishing could be good ?


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