Ron Starr
Ron Starr

Ron Starr+ Music = MY LIFE

user image 2008-10-02
By: Ron Starr
Posted in: Music and Fashion

WHATS UP EVERYONE!<br /><br />I KNOW IVE BEEN MISSING FOR A WHILE LOL<br />BUT IM BACCCK! HOPE EVERYTHING IS GOOD AND THE MUSIC IS BETTER THAN EVER!&nbsp; Ive been really tied up in the music <br />listening to new sounds more on the Pop &amp; Techno side (Hot!)<br /><br />So yeah the music is taking over my life totally! Whats a social life? lol Not this weekend! hahahah<br /><br />Also Check out my new song that i just&nbsp; put up called <br /><br />"Stay With Me" <br /><br />Hope Ya Like it!<br /><br /><br />Much Love to everyone<br /><br /><br />Ron Starr

10/03/08 01:33:28PM @ab1:
hey ron.. welcome back.. lots of good music by many new and talented musicians of all genres for you to hear.. listen man.. that'll spark a bunch of new ideas in ya.. look forward to your latest too.. cheers..
10/04/08 03:38:11AM @ab2:
Hi Ron...You ask "what`s a social life"?...Well my frind...This is..:-)
keep on keeping on..:-)

peace n love Mags :-)


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