Mr. Mouth, Mr. Mouth - Zip that Mr. Mouth
Mr. Mouth, Mr. Mouth - Zip that Mr. Mouth
Boo hoo to me cause my ears are in proximity
To your “speciality” – inhumanity
You scrape and pick and pick and scrape -
Novocain my brain - To keep me sane
Ginga ganga ninja ginga vitus aint alrightus
Gotta hydro floss, gotta water pick - Think and spit ya think and spit
Sawing at my mind - Oscillating, always baiting
Halitosis of the mostess - By the hostess
Fuckin’ with my mem-brain - Molding minds like clay
Fuckin’ with my mem-brain - Molding minds like clay
Pampas and arrogant - Why I don’t know
You say what we want you to say
We’ve studied you close
We know how you’re wired - Why do you think you were hired?
We know how you’re wired - Why do you think you were hired?
Mr. Mouth – Get out of my home
You’re on every channel I switch!
We make it like this you can’t get away
We’ll make you to tired to think!
My ism is Brux - I’m pulling the plug
Good riddance you’re out of my head
Good Riddance you’re out of my head! (twice)
..Love it. Zappa, Crimson, Bonzo Dawg do daa band in one go...humorous and very entertaining, bass player should never pay for a beer again.(IMO) aww, what the hell...beeers fo rthe whole band!!!
really digg the band element and presentation. exciting to hear....
ah a ahem.
So darn original and compelling. Love the harmony.