Ronnie Neuhauser
Ronnie Neuhauser

Mr. Mouth

genre: Progressive Rock
streams: 49
creation date: 2011-06-23

  Song Lyrics
ChorusMr. Mouth, Mr. Mouth - Zip that Mr. MouthMr. Mouth, Mr. Mouth - Zip that Mr. Mouth Boo hoo to me cause my ears are in proximityTo your “speciality” –...
  Song Information
This song is about the faux news and the talking heads that spew such rhetoric.
Mr. Mouth
06/25/11 05:57:18PM @bri-an:
..Love it. Zappa, Crimson, Bonzo Dawg do daa band in one go...humorous and very entertaining, bass player should never pay for a beer again.(IMO) aww, what the hell...beeers fo rthe whole band!!!
really digg the band element and presentation. exciting to hear....
ah a ahem.

Rich Lodato
06/24/11 05:46:37PM @rich-lodato:
So darn original and compelling. Love the harmony.


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