
The Propagators

Category: Film
Duration: 00:03:47
The Propagators
A Rybird Music Production

Some video public domain.
Spaceship art and landscape courtesy of Fredeffe of true-friends.org

Science fiction is science imagined. Music comes from the imagination. Both are ideas and combining the two, I created a music science fiction video called The Propagators. The premise is simple. We understand life as it exists on earth today, but many differ on how it came to be. It is possible that life existed before our earth was formed and was transmitted or propagated from somewhere else in space. I am in no way trying to state a belief in our creation, nor the origin of life. On purpose, I left people out of the equation. Regardless, this is fiction and imagination, imagining that life was purposely transported here from somewhere else. In The Propagators, I created a science fiction music video for entertainment, simply to be enjoyed as fantasy.
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