Sabadi and Powers
Sabadi and Powers

At Christmas Time

user image 2009-01-11
By: Admin
Posted in:

This is a Beautiful piece with me and Gabrial, here is another time where Gabe had layed this beautiful piece down already and he had me listen, we bounce things off each other a lot and once again, I immediately liked it, but it sat for a short while, then as Christmas approached, we were into something else, and then we said, hey the Christmas song needs to get done for Mixposure !  I said" I know" he said " maybe we can use this, and I must say at first I said, Boy, that will be a Tall Order !  just didn't have that Christmas feel do it with the chords and all,,,,But, i sat down for days after he sent it to me, I usually will let something play over and over until I get a feel, If I dosent' come right away and finally it did ! ... I felt I wanted it to be different and the starting of it was to start with ( Gabes foundation) and I felt both Old and New in this , the Harmonies representing the newer and then that classic old in the main vocal....well there you have it .....Hope you Enjoy, We wish All The Best of Success,,,,,Gary Powers & Gabriel Sabadi


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