This was a track that began initially as a trance number...however when I found Louises vocal acapella, I was blown away by her jazzy tones and felt it was...
This was a track that began initially as a trance number...however when I found Louises vocal acapella, I was blown away by her jazzy tones and felt it was perfect for my new track.
This is a party house track with a south american flavour....Just picture the girls in Rio shakin tha beautiful booty!!!
09/19/09 06:54:46AM @mark-reed:
This one grooves, some very good beat sequences. The vocals are great and take this to the next level. Excellent track, I can see this really working in the clubs. Well done
09/18/09 08:47:31PM @:
Dont know much about House but this one contains the things i do know about it. Good crisp quality.
This one grooves, some very good beat sequences. The vocals are great and take this to the next level. Excellent track, I can see this really working in the clubs. Well done
Dont know much about House but this one contains the things i do know about it. Good crisp quality.