Sam Houston
Sam Houston

Boundless Talent

user image 2010-10-07
By: Sam Houston
Posted in: Music
Boundless Talent

<p>I just wanted to say that Mixposure has to be one of the most, if not the most, awesome independent music communities in the world!</p><p>I belong to several online music sites and honestly, some sites make you feel like you're in a seedy back alley dive with, what seems like that same old nasty hag with a cigarette hanging half out of her mouth and smeared lipstick up the side of her cheek with a raspy smokers cough that seems to be in every dive, the bloodshot eyed bartender that looks like he hasn't slept in three days, the single beer stained pool table, a sink for a urinal in the bathroom, and the stench of stale beer and cigarette smoke everywhere. I'm not at all saying they are all that way but there are a few. In contrast, Mixposure feels to me like there's nice, new, clean furniture to relax on, the people are great, everyone supports everyone else, the air is crisp and clean, and there are many bartenders, each with perfect bodies and nice tight tee-shirts, that cater to our every whim (.....well almost).</p><p>Regarding the radio and the dj's. Every dj I've dealt with here has been very accomodating, to me and to everyone else. They don't have to play my songs, but they do. They don't have to help us if we need it, but they do. They don't have to spend their time leaving very gracious and generous comments on our songs, but they do. They don't have to spend time with us in the chat room, but they do. They don't have to spend countless hours preparing and then playing our songs so that we can have one fleeting moment in the sun and go "hey, look at me", but they do. They don't have to constantly stroke our egos about our songs while their own music takes a backseat, but they do.</p><p>The chat room is yet another very accomodating place. Everyone in the chat room, and I mean <span style="text-decoration: underline;">everyone</span>, is extremely courteous, respectful, friendly, fun, supportive, and personally I have never witnessed any unacceptable or unexcusable behavior by anyone. I'm not saying it hasn't happened here before, and I'm not saying it won't happen in the future. I'm just saying that I have not personally seen it. Everybody is awesome! And, take my word for it, if I can exist here and get along with everybody, then <span style="text-decoration: underline;">anybody</span> can. I have usually pissed off several people by this time in other places. But not here. In case you don't know me, I am.....wild. I know I am, but I just like to have fun and enjoy myself and the company of others. I am also honest. Sometimes this offends some people. I don't intend for it to and I never intend anything to be mean or rude. But, it's very difficult sometimes to convey a true meaning in simple typed text, so things sometimes get misunderstood. I will say however, that I will not back down from a fight, whether it's an online text fight or in real life. I can't help it, that's just the way I'm wired. But I'm really trying to work on my demeanor. But, the point is that everybody here seems to understand what I'm saying when I say it and what I meant by it, which is odd. I don't get that too often. Everybody seems to understand that 99.9% of the time I'm just being silly and trying to have fun. It's very rare, at least in my opinion, when you can have 20 or 30 people in a chat room, and everybody gets along and has a great time. It's a beautiful thing!!</p><p>One last thing. The combined talent on this site is so <span style="text-decoration: underline;">staggering</span> that it simply cannot be put into words that would do it any justice! It defies reality. Why most of these people are not a household name is beyond me. Why most of these people don't have 50 platinum records hanging on their walls is disturbing. Why most of these people are not playing in front of a million seat sold out crowd every night is tragic. You just have to listen. That's it. Listen and the truth of what I'm saying will be as evident as the bright blazing Sun. True talent does not exist in the murky waters of today's mainstream radio and television. The true talent lies in the shadows. An entire world of artists, musicians, and songwriter's that you may have never heard of, not to mention the countless cast aside legends that actually made <span style="text-decoration: underline;">real</span> music but are now ignored by the industry, that, if unleashed, would drive every major record label and executive to their knees and cause them to beg for mercy. We are out here. Our numbers are growing exponentially and soon, they will no longer be able to ignore us. Soon, it will be <span style="text-decoration: underline;">our</span> time. Mixposure is leading the way with the endless talent that has found a home here. THIS is the future of music!!</p><p>So, what's the point to all this? It's simple. If you are not a member here but are considering joining but you aren't quite sure, DO IT!! I promise you that you will never regret it! And, if you choose not to, that's alright too, but you'll be missing out on something very special.</p>

10/09/10 06:39:46AM @dave-meredith:
I forgot to say..Ive only been here a short while but ive been very impressed with the layout and attitude of the site and the members i have met so far...really i have. I really feel i can add my work here and im looking forward to hearing more of the artists work that is already here.
10/09/10 06:15:22AM @dave-meredith:
My thoughts to..Ive said many times... and i have heard it said many times.. The unsigned talent out there is amazing..I have heard tracks i would pay for, and to be honest i dont listen to much mainstream at all.. I spend most of my music listening time hearing the work of people who are unsigned...So much passion and quality... We are lucky sites like this can host our work....

I have many friends and family memeber who take little interest in what i do, why?.. because im not a household name....i bet if any of us released one song, watch the so called friends come out the woodwork and want to be our friends again!!..

Im just happy i can share my music, hear others like me and work with the great people i work with...

Great post!!

10/08/10 11:28:54PM @tlt50:
Well Wolf....:))
Lyrical Princess
10/08/10 08:13:55PM @lyrical-princess:
Very well written Okie.. I don't have anything else to add that hasn't already been said.. Just want to put my 2 cents in :) I am in total awe over this blog.. My exact feelings .. I came in by chance.. Just looking for a place to hide really.. Wrote a few poems and posted them.. Not realizing they were being published on the main page & read And everything else unexpectantly, fell into place.. The people here are real.. And they have been a huge help to me.. Mix literally changed me.. I have Mixposure to blame who I have become today...LOL Thanks MixPosure :)) I Love It Here !!!


10/08/10 07:23:44PM @dazed:
Wow this just made my year. What an amazing testimonial to the people on this site. This blog will be making the rounds - everywhere. I am just blown away by this. You have stated what I have felt all along and more poetically than I ever could have accomplished.

What has always amazed me about the people here is that they care. They want to see everyone succeed and I have never seen the members here get competitive to the point of being ridiculous.

Thank you for posting this and again, thanks to all the members, mods, dj's and admins that make this site what it is. Without you, it would be very lonely hehe.


Luca Wulf
10/08/10 04:49:40PM @huge-artist:
Now that is what I call a front page blog!!

I'm a cross between the hag and the bartender I think.
Least I smoke and have the bloodshot eyes LOL....
But I seldom bark and rarely bite :)

Well said on all accounts mate.
Nothing to add,just well said.


10/08/10 03:49:18PM @josephrodz:
Great words and i love being a part of mixposure family,welcome to Okie.
stephan foster
10/08/10 03:35:08PM @stephan-foster:
Great post OkieWolf! I think the prime reason that Mixposure is such a great site is that virtually everyone here is steeped with a love for music. Creating, performing, producing and sharing great indie music. I remember years ago (and I mean years ago) when I got a new album (those shiney big black things with a big cardboard case) I had to share what I thought was great with all my friends. It is extremely obvious that our DJs here love to mine Mix for great work and share. It is extremely obvious that those same DJs work their $#@$ off to bring it to us. The artists are fantastic, not only in terms of the talent they bring but with their support. They hang out in chat, share tips and experiences in the forums, and provide constructive feedback in the form of reviews. I have to say that Mix is an odd experience for me, in that, while I have "talked" with many in chat, spoken on the phone a time or two, never having actually seen anyone in person; yet, I feel like I'm part of the family, accepted as I am unconditionally, and given support all the time, and some direction when I need it! LOL! What a great place!
Sam Houston
10/08/10 03:21:22PM @sam-houston:
Thanks Carol! But I think my main problem :-)
I'm my own worst enemy sometimes.
Maybe I'm crazy. But, if you're crazy, how do you know you're crazy?

Sam Houston
10/08/10 02:41:05PM @sam-houston:
Well, I just say what I mean and mean what I say!!
10/08/10 02:40:07PM @cooter:
Sam, you *do* have a way with words, good sir. I love Mixposure, too.


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