Things That Piss Me The **** Off - Inst # 3
<p>It's tough sometimes to remember four or so hours of music and lyrics. It's even harder when you just can't stop laughing. During one particular sound check, some old guy that had obviously been drinking for the better part of that day, was sitting up relatively close to the stage and was so drunk that you couldn't understand him. During sound check, when we would stop, he would go "uuuuhhh aaaaaaaaaa Xjkjkasdg v"....or something between a loud moan, yell, and words of some sort. But he would do it every time we would play or even talk through the PA. I started laughing at him because it was just too damn funny.</p><p>So, we finished sound check, and waited until it was time to play. We did the first song and you could here a muffled "uuuuhhh aaaaaaaaaa Xjkjkasdg v". We played the second song and....."uuuuhhh aaaaaaaaaa Xjkjkasdg v", but now he was doing it while we were playing too. So I started laughing again....while trying to sing and play. And the more he "uuuuhhh aaaaaaaaaa Xjkjkasdg v", the harder I laughed. I somehow managed to make it through the first set. He did it a little during the second set but I guess he passed out or they made him leave or something because I didn't here it anymore. But it was REALLY funny but REALLY difficult to get through songs while that was going on.</p><p><span style="color: #00ff00;">That pisses me the **** off!!</span></p>
Had a quiet chuckle at this when I read it.
Did a solo a couple of years back, was doing a vocal sound check and after I finished a bloke asked me if it got any better.
To which I naturally had to ask if he'd had many drinks, the reply was not yet. So I offered this positive solution to his problem.
The more you drink, the better I get.
No further heckling
all the best
Yes that would bother me also Okie, lol! When the drunks would stumble and fall onto the stage or when they wanted to sing on my nice mic...now that would really get me going! We used to set up an additional old mic, the dummy mic, and let the drunken potential stars sing on that one. That way if they dropped the mic or spilled beer it, that wouldn't matter much. Drunks...you've got to live them.
One night, just starting the third set, our drummer comes up to me and says "hey someone gave me a couple of tickets to the rodeo next weekend and I can't go so let's give them away". I laughed and stepped up to the mic and announced we were giving away a couple of rodeo tickets to the first cowgirl that showed us her boobs. Well naturally I was looking at the tight jeans and halter tops on the dance floor and not the drunken Broom Hilda off to the side of the stage...well she won the tickets and the band was blinded for a week by what we saw, LOL!
Thanks Okie for posting up these thoughts...I get a kick out of them plus they bring back some giggin' days memories for me :o)