New song.... The Hill
I uploaded a new song called "The Hill".
I grew up on a high hill. The wind always blew up there and I could see for miles. But, I was also adopted. My "mom" (adopted mom) has always been fairly psychotic. So when I was about 9 or 10 she took me in the bedroom and sat me on the bed and said "I just wanted to let you know that you're adopted". I said "WHAT? Well who are they?". She said "well we don't know". I said "well where are they?". She said "We don't know". I said "Do I have any brothers or sisters?". She said "We don't know". Well this really screwed me up. I completely lost any identity I might have had before she told me that. So....fast forward to when I'm about 29. I was visiting mom and dad one weekend. Just out of the blue and as nonchalant as she could ever be like it was no big deal mom said "oh by the way, I thought I'd tell you before you hear it from somebody else.... but your biological mother died 3 days ago." Well of course I came completely unglued and went off on her big time. Then she added "oh, and also, there's pictures and letters and phone numbers and stuff in there in the extra bedroom if you want them". And then I REALLY went off. And, then I find out that I have 4 half brothers and 2 half sisters. And all them and bio mom lived just 15 miles away all that time and had "kept up" with me all the while I was growing up.
The above isn't the entire story by any means but maybe this overview may give some indication of the hurt and betrayal I've lived with because of how it all happened. But my song "The Hill" is me talking to whoever (anybody and everybody) that was involved and/or responsible for the adoption. It was all done completely wrong from the start.
I wrote and recorded it last night. I only used a single acoustic guitar and my vocals are un-miced. For this song I like it this way because it's raw and real.
Please give it a listen if you get the chance.
The emotion behind the song really comes through Sam. I agree, the song is delivered best as simply "a man and his guitar." Hard to imagine your disappointment at having so many of your life's questions not properly answered by what was only a short trip down the road. Thanks for sharing the back story...