Sam Pauls
Sam Pauls

Black Ash Road

genre: Acoustic
streams: 17
creation date: 2008-04-23

  Song Lyrics
Black Ash Road © In the spring of “81†Times were loose Times were fun In a small New England town The type were you knew everyone There was static in...
Black Ash Road
04/23/08 09:59:32PM @self-tort:
Very compelling performance, Sam. Had my attention throughout. The chorus is a ripper. Had a sort of Copperhead Road feel to it. I bet this kills a crowd in a live context. Loved the vocal delivery. Great raw, but warm voice, perfectly suited for the mood of this song. Only one minor quibble. The guitar shifted in volume and velocity a bit throughout the song. At some stages is sounded a little tentative but on other occasions it would come in a bit too powerfully. In a live context that would probably heighten the intensity of the performance.



11/28/08 10:48:25AM @mark-reed:
Great song, well performed. AS with the previous reviewer this one held me from note one. I liked the contrast in the guitars volume because that's how it works live. enjoyed this one well done


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