Sandra Phillips
Sandra Phillips


user image 2007-11-08
By: sandraphillips
Posted in:

<strong>Supporting two solo CD releases</strong>, and Founder/owner of <strong>Music e-zine</strong>, Sandy is an independent singer, songwriter and composer from St. Louis... her original songs draw life from the rich crosscurrents of <strong>acoustic folk-rock, pop, and jazz music.</strong> The result is vibrant, current, original music with an emotional and timeless feel...her unique approach to this voyage of fantasy is a solo act that continually ascends. In an interview and review of her album, <strong>The Renegade wrote:</strong> &quot;Sandra Phillips brings a unique sound and vision to the St. Louis music scene, and to the national New Age scene at large. She is worthy of industry attention.&quot;

07/22/08 12:27:51AM @vesa:
Love to hear more songs. Your vocals are so genuine; simply lovely, carrying me away.

07/01/08 01:46:08PM @aparition:
Certainly, we will hear a lot about Sandra! AS she conquests with her smile, she enchants with her singing... I hope I will ever do some music with her...


Dizzy Fingers Ike
12/01/07 03:22:30PM @dizzy-fingers-ike:
in listening to your music, i am reminded of two very talented female singers,
sheryl crow, and jewl. not only is your music good, its adorable.
i look foward to hearing more from you.

btw. this photo of you aint half bad, very nice.

digger stone

11/09/07 06:10:17PM @michael-nunley:
WELCOME ! Very glad to have you here at IMusicScene. Lovely voice, hope to hear more of it.



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