Sarah Graves
Sarah Graves

Sweet Sarcophagus-- New Halloween Album.

user image 2008-10-19
By: oni_soloist415
Posted in: Halloween Album

<p>This year, I am trying to do a Halloween Album and actually manage to sell it, however... I am stressed to finish album art and recording within the next ten days in order to release it on or before Halloween!~ YIKES! <br /><br />Any suggestions for prices? It'll have approximately 5-10 songs on it. Aiming for 5-7, praying for 10.<br /><br />I was thinking about $2.50-$5.00 a cd, seeing as I am not that well known yet.<br /><br />Lemme know what you think.<br /><br /><br />Thank you for your time. <br /><br /><br />--Sarah Graves.</p>

10/28/08 10:36:05PM @sarah-graves:
I am actually done with the CD and comfortable with it. :)
And this time, it's going for free just while I get better known.. and it seems to be liked and working. :)

10/21/08 03:00:01AM @tlt50:
Don't sell yourself short....... There's always another Halloween !! Keep the music flowing !!!!

11/01/08 03:07:05PM @sarah-graves:
Thanks! I did work very hard and alas, I now even have a band to play with to give me energy and strength! :D
10/21/08 06:32:02PM @sarah-graves:
Those are good ideas. :)
I'll keep them in mind

Thank you.

10/21/08 07:18:03AM @dazed:
I agree with Wolf :)


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