album:Saturated Music genre:Acoustic streams:121 creation date:2018-01-13
Song Information
Dedicated to the songwriters and especially,.. the songwriters of Mixposure.
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Dedicated to the songwriters and especially,.. the songwriters of Mixposure.
01/27/18 06:28:48PM @farrell-jackson:
One damn fine song Sat! Your acoustic playing and tone rocks like no other acoustic I've heard. Some very cool lyric paying homage to the songwriters and with good vocals to make it all shine brightly.
01/27/18 12:15:28PM @cooter:
Mighty fine, Sat. My first guitar came from Rose's 5 and Dime store.
01/27/18 11:14:48AM @david-c-deal:
God this is beautiful Sat... extraordinary. You are definitely singing about me in this song and I can only imagine how many others. This needs to be heard more!
One damn fine song Sat! Your acoustic playing and tone rocks like no other acoustic I've heard. Some very cool lyric paying homage to the songwriters and with good vocals to make it all shine brightly.
Mighty fine, Sat. My first guitar came from Rose's 5 and Dime store.
God this is beautiful Sat... extraordinary. You are definitely singing about me in this song and I can only imagine how many others. This needs to be heard more!