
Zinnia's Song

album: Saturated Music
genre: Acoustic
streams: 114
creation date: 2018-02-10

  Song Information
I wrote this after our cat Zinnia passed away in 2017.   Its the only instrumental song I've ever uploaded. This is 2 guitars, my Taylor 310 and my Taylor...
Zinnia's Song
Rich Lodato
10/08/23 09:54:20PM @rich-lodato:
Great player I admire. Fine tribute to your beloved cat.
02/28/18 01:23:51PM @blue-sahara:
Oh yes, a virtuoso at work. Boy, this just shows the quality of your skills, Sat!
A wonderful piece of art!

Farrell Jackson
02/20/18 11:32:48AM @farrell-jackson:
Back for another listen Sat and to say congratulations on capturing the song of the week with this fine acoustic instrumental ! You have a true talent Sat.
02/20/18 07:12:21AM @akashaman:
wow , sounds fantastic on headphones ! ha
sorry to hear bout ya cat ; i know that`s tough ! (
spectacular playing and recording ! WTG ~

02/19/18 09:30:51PM @moequinn:
I always instantly recognize your strumming & picking ~ heard this last night for the first time during MixPosure radio show with Larry Talbot as DJ ~ within the first 3 notes I immediately knew it was "Sat" & I stopped double tasking & paid attention ~ this is quite beautiful ~ I do wish it were downloadable cuz I love it
Doug Dickens
02/17/18 12:54:49PM @doug-dickens:
Gotta keep them coming, Satch. Enjoyed this wonderful guitar work.
carol sue
02/16/18 09:05:38AM @carol-sue:
My ears are saturated with great guitar playing~ love this!!
02/14/18 10:36:26PM @david-c-deal:
Hey David!! It was about six months between writing and recording.. I originally did it using a lot of hammerons and pulloffs.. but just coudnt get all the notes to sound in a few parts.. so I had to train myself to pick each note in those bits. Learning the hard way.. never write a song you cant quite play.. :)!

Makes sense but I disagree with your conclusion. I'm glad you wrote a song you couldn't quite play because this is your very best!

02/14/18 09:29:33PM @saturated:
Hey David!! It was about six months between writing and recording.. I originally did it using a lot of hammerons and pulloffs.. but just coudnt get all the notes to sound in a few parts.. so I had to train myself to pick each note in those bits. Learning the hard way.. never write a song you cant quite play.. :)!
02/14/18 11:56:52AM @david-c-deal:
My first thoughts are, "how many times did Sat have to rehearse this before he could record it like this?". You are an acoustic master my friend.
02/12/18 10:46:58AM @waveman:
excellent! playful as cat and dripping with talent on the acoustic fretboard, well done
02/11/18 11:50:30AM @the-truevulgarians:
As always, you demonstrate what an acoustic guitar can do when played by a a true musician. Wow! You continue to produce the best material and I always look forward to your new songs and spinning them for our Mixstream Radio listeners! Congrats!
02/11/18 10:05:40AM @saturated:
Thanks Cooter, dazed and Wolf! I wrote this last year and its taken that long just to get to where I could almost play it.. :)
Farrell Jackson
02/11/18 10:02:24AM @farrell-jackson:
A smokin' guitar duet Sat ! Reminds me of an Irish jig but those are usually done with a fiddle and you did it with a guitar...real cool!


02/11/18 09:11:15AM @cooter:
Mighty fine, Sat.
02/10/18 07:46:40PM @admin:
love it!
02/10/18 07:24:01PM @tlt50:
Masterful guitar playing, as always. Exceptional those harmonics. Another superb song for us DJ's to spin and the listeners to enjoy.. :)

Larry T


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