Radio Interview in 2.5 hours time
Just letting you all know that I am to be interviewed <strong>this afternoon</strong> on a local radio station. The interview will start at 5pm Sydney time (which as best I can work out is 7am GMT/UTC or 3am EST - hmm maybe the odd night owl will be up).<br /><br />I will be taking some CDs of recently recorded material including some collabs with my friends on mixposure. I will try to get a few plugs in for the site.<br /><br />Unfortunately there is no chat room or forum on the station's site.<br /><br />The url for the site is <a href="http://www.skidrow.com.au/">http://www.skidrow.com.au/</a> and just click on the "Click Here To Connect" button to stream.<br /><br />Sorry for the late notice and my absence here of late but my mother passed away last week after a mercifully short illness. Mum had 93 great years and was mentally alert to the end. She was a great lady and will be sorely missed, but as she said a week or so before she died "I'd rather have had 93 wonderful years than drag on and have another 7 awful ones". <br /><br />Am getting back into the swing of things and hope to be on deck more next week.<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br /><br />Brian
Sorry to hear about your Mum Brian.......when ever it happens, it always leaves a void. My sorrys go to you and yours....
Good luck with the interview! In PST it would be about 1 am, way past my bedtime.
congrats Brian and thanks for plugging the site
rock out!
Hi Brian...
Hope it all goes well for you....I`m sure it will...
Peace n love Mags